[Photography] My Favourite Place To Shoot

A few weeks ago I heard about Light, a new camera technology company.  They have recently developed a SmartPhone-sized camera which claims to give you “DSLR quality in the palm of your hand”.  It was the first time I’d heard of such a thing, and I was intrigued.  I absolutely love my Nikon D300S, but it’s difficult to bring with me everywhere I go, for practical and safety reasons.  My iPod, on the other hand, fits in my pocket, so I find myself shooting with it much more frequently.  I would absolutely LOVE to try out this new camera to see how it compares.  Screen Shot 2016-12-17 at 11.08.16 PM.png

Light asked me to be a part of their #VantagePoint project in which bloggers talk about their favourite place to shoot and share a photo from the location.  It was hard to pick one place, especially given all of the beauty that surrounds me here in Florianópolis, Brazil.  I love the beaches, the forests, and the Portuguese architecture.  But my favourite place to shoot right now is actually at home, in my own garage.


Photo taken by Garett from As We Go

During the past year, I’ve studied the light that comes into this covered space and have realised it makes an ideal situation for portraits.  Except at sunset, the light is always indirect, making it comfortable for subjects to look into.  If the subject is looking outwards into the yard, their entire face is evenly lit.  I’ve taken great posed portraits as well as cute candid shots of the kids.  I couldn’t pick just one photo, so here’s four of my favourites.


My son, Shasta, looking extremely hip: 1/500s, f2.8, ISO 200


My younger son, Sebastian: 1/125s, f 1.4, ISO 200

For each of these photos I used my Nikon D300S camera with a Nikkor 50mm/1.4 lens.

I chose my garage over the beach as my favourite place to shoot because I’m so familiar with it.  I know that if it’s cloudy, sunny, or raining, I can still get a well-lit shot.  I love the colours of my garage and it’s a place where people feel comfortable, so it’s easy to capture them naturally.  I love doing clean, simple portraits, so having a place with predictable lighting is a wonderful thing.  It’s almost like a studio.


At sunset, the light is a bit harsh, but still lovely for candid shots like this one of me and friends Adriano and Pedro on my 31st birthday this past June.

Suggestions for budding photographers: In portrait photography, if not all photography, lighting is always the most important thing!  Spend some time observing the light around you – in and around your house, in your neighbourhood, etc.  See how it changes during the day.  Study your subjects.  Are faces fully lit, or are there shadows?  Is the light too bright/harsh?  My go-to conditions/locations for good lighting are in the shade, by a window, golden hour(at sunrise/sunset), or an overcast day.

Thoughts or questions?  Shoot me a message and I’ll be happy to help.

Find out more about Light.co and their exciting new technology on their website, on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

If you liked this post, check out my Photography page for more tips and tutorials.


Interview with Sarah Reimer Designs

I’d like to introduce you to this creative and talented lady, Sarah Reimer, who makes beautiful things.

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I discovered her on instagram when I was tagged by a friend in one of her giveaway photos.  I immediately fell in love with her products and her artistic style.  She photographs, draws, designs, and inspires!

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I saw on her instagram account that she made these cute little goal setting calendars.  I LOVE setting goals and planning things out for each week and month.

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Although most of my life is organized on various technological devices, I like to be able to write things down and see them in front of me.  I asked Sarah if she would let me try out the goal  calendars in exchange for some publicity on my blog, and she graciously agreed.


I love making lists!!

We started chatting and found out we are both from Southern Ontario, and now live in foreign countries!  So we have quite a bit in common.  I have been enjoying her blog, “You Me and Tuscany”, where she posts pictures of her life in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and stories of her international travels.  She seems like an incredibly cool lady and I really hope we get to meet in person one day.

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Such a beautiful calendar! I want it for next year!

Here are some of my favourite things in her Etsy shop!

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My birthday’s on June 15th.  Just saying.

I had some more questions for her about her creative journey.  Here’s our interview.

1. How long have you been creating things?

Pretty much as far back as I can remember, I’ve been making things. I remember making friendship bracelets and selling them for 10 cents at family reunions.  I created “car seats” for my dolls out of the leftover clementine/orange boxes at Christmastime.  I even remember a time I decided to design my own shoes and I cut all the pieces out of cardboard (they didn’t last too long.  Didn’t think through the “durability” aspect on that one).  But most of all, I was always, always, always making cards for other people.

This interest of making things carried over into my teen life and into my young adult life.  I ended up studying Interior Design at college, I dabbled with photography classes, and acquired an interest in graphic design. On top of that, I am almost always making something with my hands (whether it be knitting, sketching, painting, etc, I love trying new things).  The art of making things with my hands has always been important to me.  I got married in 2013 and pretty much went on a crafting frenzy for 11 months before the wedding, haha.  I made everything myself from the invitations, centerpieces, even the bouquets, which I made all of fabric and lace!  There’s something in me that comes alive when I am able to create.



2.  When did you get the idea to open a shop?
Funny enough, my original thought of opening a shop came to me after designing and making everything for our wedding in April 2013.  I had so much fun creating and then seeing it all come together, that I thought perhaps i could turn this into something.  At the time, I was working full time at a kitchen design company and found I didn’t have much time leftover to pursue this idea.  I let the idea rest with me a little while, until allowing myself to let it go.  Timing just wasn’t right.  It wasn’t until almost two years later, in late 2014 that a new idea was born.  At this point in time, my husband and I had just spent two months travelling Europe, and were living abroad in England.  Travelling had opened up an entirely new and inspiring perspective for me.  I discovered a passion for capturing our travels through my camera lens and sharing with friends and family my unique perspective.  I enrolled in some photography classes in January 2015 and through some peer and teacher critiques, I realized I had something here.  The wheels really started turning in late January of 2015, when I began testing out different ideas for an online Etsy shop.
3. When did your shop open?
My shop, Sarah Reimer Designs, was launched on May 1st 2015.  I believe I started with listing about 15 greeting cards online.
4. What was the biggest challenge you faced in opening your shop?
My biggest challenge with opening my shop was simply just getting noticed.  I really had no idea what to expect, but I had this idea in my head that once I launched, things would just ….happen.  Well folks, I hate to break it to you, but it just doesn’t happen.  I slowly realized that even though we may put our heart and soul into something, it doesn’t mean that others will be as excited about it as you are (most likely, they won’t be).  My respect for all the makers and small business owners out there has grown like crazy.  We are all little fish in a huge big sea and to make a living off of this is tough, man (Just to be clear, I don’t make a living off of my earnings).  I’ve learned some important lessons through this (that I continue to struggle with): Stop comparing yourself to others and remember the true reason why you are doing this.  Personally, I pursue this because it is my passion.  My focus is to create out of LOVE and NOT out of fear.  (Though I’ve accepted that fear insists on coming along for the ride, and that’s okay.  In fact, maybe it’s necessary).
5. What do you love most about this job?
What I love most about this job is having control of what I put into it and seeing my brand evolve.  I love looking back and seeing how far I’ve come, and how I’ve created my “brand” or “look”.  I continue to work on what I want Sarah Reimer Designs to convey, and have also expanded my product line from not just greeting cards but also to larger prints, canvases, calendars, hand painted plates, and more.  However, as I expand, I work on keeping my brand cohesive.  As I travel, I am inspired by new things and introduced to new methods of making and creating.  I love taking these new experiences and inspirations and growing my business that way.
6. What are your hopes and dreams for this business?
I don’t have a set goal or vision as to where I see myself going with this in the future aside from pushing forwards.  My hope is that I can continue growing with this endeavor, wherever life (or travels!) take me.  It would be a dream to one day have Sarah Reimer Designs become a full time job for me, but I know that it’s one step at a time.
7. Where is the next place you’d like to travel? (Brazil perhaps?)  
Up next on our list of travels (aside from exploring more of SE Asia while we’re living here) would be New Zealand and Australia.  A dream of ours would be renting a van and travelling down there for an extended period of time.  We’d love to get to South America at some point, as well. 🙂  We’ll see where the wind takes us!

Find her here:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarahreimerdesigns/

Etsy Shop: https://www.etsy.com/pt/shop/sarahreimerdesigns

Blog: http://youmeandtuscany.blogspot.com

LungLeavin’ Day


Heather Von St. James

Today I am here to spread the word about something wonderful: LungLeavin’ Day(held on February 2nd).  I recently became acquainted via the world wide web with Cameron and his wife Heather from Minnesota.   I received this email from Cameron:

Eight years ago, my wife Heather was diagnosed with mesothelioma; a rare cancer that kills most people within 2 years of diagnosis.  She had just given birth to our daughter Lily, and was only given 15 months to live.  After a life saving surgery that included the removal of her left lung, LungLeavin’ Day was born.  This will be the 8th year that we celebrate!

The purpose of LungLeavin’ Day is to encourage others to face their fears!  Each year, we gather around a fire in our backyard with our friends and family, write our biggest fears on a plate and smash them into the fire.  We celebrate for those who are no longer with us, for those who continue to fight, for those who are currently going through a tough time in their life, and most importantly, we celebrate life!

What a fantastic idea.  I am totally going participate and most likely you’ll see the footage.  Life is such a gift.  Let’s treat it as such and be thankful for what we have.

Check out their website on Lung Leavin’ Day (it’s very cool!)


And here’s the link to Cameron’s blog:


my life this week

1. Tried two new recipes: Peanut Butter Banana Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies (vegan) and Nuts and Seeds Granola Bars.  Both were excellent but I am particularly fond of the granola bars…

2. Went for walks around the lake with Sonia and the dogs:

3. Started work!  I am loving it so far.  I think it’s the best job in the world actually, teaching piano and hanging out with the girls one-on-one.  Also it’s nice to have a routine again and something to get me up and out of the house! 🙂

4. Met a VERY adorable puppy!  My friend Abbie found it on her way home and now she’s being adopted by some friends.  Abbie brought her over one morning before she went to her new owners’.

5.  Found an AWESOME website for photographers with TONS of tips and ideas: www.photographyconcentrate.com

6.  Received some pictures from Nuni’s very talented friend Augustin.  During our last week or so in Brazil he had an exhibition to display his amazing artwork and Nuni played background music for him.  I love these pictures… it was a really nice evening and as it was our last bit of time in Brazil, I was just starting to get to know people and carry on conversations in Portuguese.  Also I had just received that awesome dress from Nuni’s aunt.

Augustin, his girlfriend Stephanie, Nuni and me in front of one of his paintings

isn't this a great shot? I wish I took it!

I look SO cool and funny in this picture. Sadly in reality they were probably laughing AT my horrible Portuguese... let's go with the cool and funny theory

I just love this guy.

7. I have been enjoying daily photos from photobotos.com.  They feature a guest photographer every day.  The photos are mostly travel based and they are always absolutely stunning.

Happy Friday!


Have you heard about Goodreads?

I just discovered it today and I’m kind of excited!

I am always looking for a good book to read, but it needs to be a page turner right from the beginning or I’ll probably lose interest.  I’ve just skimmed the surface of the Goodreads site and what I like so far is that it gives you recommendations based on the books you like.  You can make a list of the books you want to read, have read and are currently reading.  I’m sure there is much more you can do but I’ll let you find out for yourself if you so desire!  Goodreads.com!  Feel free to look me up(search for Luni Mulsky) and see the page-turners I’ve read. 🙂

Bracelet of Hope


I’d like to introduce you to a lady named Anne-Marie Zajdlik.  Though I haven’t met her myself, I’ve become acquainted with her work and vision.  She’s a family physician who runs an HIV/AIDS clinic for patients in the Guelph area.  In 2005 she decided to step outside of her comfort zone and travel to Lesotho where she volunteered at the Tsepong clinic, the country’s first HIV/AIDS clinic.  She was amazed and horrified at what she experienced there, and upon her return to Canada decided that she couldn’t just go back to her “normal” life – she had to do something.

She decided to challenge the city of Guelph to raise one million dollars to keep the Tsepong clinic open for the next year.  A group of university students heard about it and ordered 5,000 red and white beaded bracelets from a cooperative of South African women.  They sold them for $5 and aimed to raise $100,000 through donations and the bracelets.

Anne-Marie reached her goal of one million in September of 2008 but didn’t stop there.  She founded the Bracelet of Hope organization, which has a goal of seeing a red and white bracelet on the wrist of every Canadian, and raising $150 million for HIV/AIDS relief in Lesotho, Africa.  Anne-Marie wants to see the country of Lesotho become AIDS free.

At first I thought it was an unrealistic goal, but the more I’ve thought about it, the more I’ve realized that it really could happen.  I started volunteering with Bracelet of Hope last week and have become inspired again to join the fight against HIV/AIDS in Africa.  The organization raises its funds through selling the bracelets, crafts made by the Inina Craft Agency, and by holding events like the Falling Leaves Run.  Originally the money was used to support the Tsepong clinic, and it still is, but they have started supporting other initiatives to support those who have HIV/AIDS.  You can read more about these groups here in an article that Anne-Marie wrote to the local paper on Thanksgiving weekend.

On this page you can watch a number of videos about the organization and I highly recommend “The Lazarus Project” and  “100 Huntley Street.”

Check out braceletofhope.ca for lots and lots of information!  Their first annual run is on Saturday and Anne-Marie will be running the 7.5K.  She has a goal of raising $20,000 and is 3/4 of the way there!  You can sponsor her on the Falling Leaves page.

“God forbid that we should ever be comfortable while so many exist in such poverty, while 15 million children face the world each day with no parents, no future and no hope, while an entire young generation of men, women and children die of AIDS. More than ever I believe that our very survival as a global society depends on our response. To whom much is given, much is expected.” — Anne Marie Zajdlik


I just love blog-hopping… I find so many amazing things.  Today I went over to Musings of a Housewife, a blog I check daily.  The author, Jo-Lynne, shared some things she’d found.  I checked one of them out: a post by “Free Anissa” on being “pretty.”  If you’ve been reading my posts lately you’ll know that I’ve been thinking a lot about body image and being “pretty” vs “beautiful.”  Anissa has some thoughts on that too and I wanted to share them here.  I don’t know anything about this lady but it seems as if she’s just had a stroke.  Anyways, here’s what she has to say:

why pretty is like pez

Strokes aren’t pretty.

They aren’t.

I’m not.

Now, I can hear you sputtering about how I should find myself beautiful, and I do.

I’m just not PRETTY.

Pretty can fade with time.

Pretty is swallowed by ugliness in your soul

Pretty is like candy.  It’s good, it’s fun, you want some, but it won’t FEED you.

I’m beautiful.

It’s a trait I’m learning to say without feeling that it has to be hidden.

I’m beautiful.

I’m the role model to little girls who are growing up in a world that values the PRETTY, not the BEAUTIFUL.

I’m beautiful.

The part of me that still laughs.  The part of me that cries in frustration, then gets up to try again. The part would rather look ugly, but honest.



Amen.  Then I saw a comment on her post and checked that out, too.  It was a link to a youtube video.  I thought I’d share that as well. *warning: use of f-word once*

new music

I just came across this website because I realized the JUNO awards are coming up soon!  Do you ever think, “I’d like to discover some new music”?  If you do, check this out because it’ll probably keep you busy for a little while!


I recommend checking out Del Barber(in the Roots and Traditional Album of the Year: SOLO) section.  He came to Watson Lake a month ago and was a great musician and great guy!  Also, Emilie-Claire Barlow in the Vocal Jazz section – we are going to see her in Whitehorse on Thursday!